Sunday, December 7, 2008

Common Allergy Symptoms

Common Allergy Symptoms

Have you ever supected that you suffer from allergies? You may be looking for proof that you do. Some people believe if they are able to diagnosis themselves they dont need medical attenetion. That may be true, but if your symptoms are severe than you need to seek medical attention. In order to diagnosis yourself you will want to know the common symptoms, to see if you have them. This way you can determine if you need to seek medical attention of if you just need to change your lifestyle. You have multiple options. There are plenty of websites that provide the information. There is also books that you can read them in. But the easiest way is to keep reading on. Most people having an allergic reaction only sufferer from mild to moderate symptoms.Mild symptoms include itchy eyes, a rash, chest congestion, watery eyes. Moderate symptoms include watery eyes, itchy eyes, chest congestion, a rash , and an itchy feeling over a good amount of your body. You may also have difficulty breathing. All of these can be cured at home, except for trouble breathing. If you have trouble breathing you need to seek medical attention immediately. Severe symptoms can include, vomiting, swelling, painful cramps, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and loss of consciousness. If you dont seek medical attention immediately it can cause death.

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